Friday, June 26, 2009

NNR is in Bonaire,The Netherland Islands.I will give you the latest on hair,fashion,and beauty secrets of this Dutch carribean island.Stay tuned and until later.....more hair

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I AM TRUELY CONVINCED...that what you put in is what you recieve.I have been in business as a beauty entrprenuer for over ten years.Through this time I have dabbled and moonlighted into some other avenues.I have my Associates Degree in Marketing.I tried being a resturantuer with my husband,I sold radio advertisment, then I wanted to be a radio announcer,the next thing that came was nursing. The only thing that all these endevours had in common was that I COULD MAKE MONEY to expand my beauty company. Needless to say none of these things added up...but did pan out to a life learned lesson of being grateful.All of these careers did not feel the least bit good to me.I remember in nursing school saying"if I fail one class then God is telling me that this career is not for me.Well it happened.The easiest class of them all ...Nursing Fundamentals. I am a hands on person and this class was just that,I was told to do a rectal laxative....that was that for me.In addition to all my patients recieving spa treatments,and arometherapy I failed the class and said goodbye to my nursing career.
   Money is definately something that we all need to survive, but I say if I have to work it needs to be something that I love.I have truely learned to be grateful when God gives you a gift and stay in your own lane.If you stay consistant eventually things will fall in your favor.Stay tuned as I keep you all posted on my I am My Hair Tour, Hair Memoirs the book,and a 2010  speaking schedule. 
Until later
More Hair Nekesa

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